Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 22: My Hair

January 17, 2010

I think it is hilarious that I have so much hair. For the most part, I have always had very little hair on my head and that was just the look I went with. Numerous times, I have even shaved my head and actually loved it. When I was a teenager I had the part down the middle, kind of grunge look. I grew up in the 90's, so not having this kind of hair was kind of weird. Then after my junior year of high school I pretty much went with the short hair approach, mainly because it was so much easier then anything else. A couple years back I grew it in for a girl, which is such a stupid reason to do anything, but it happened. Then one day I went to get my haircut and when I came out of the salon(or whatever it is, a barbershop really isn't where my barber works), I looked at my hair and realized I had a mullet. I was naturally mortified and a couple of hours later went to a chain store place and had them take it all off.

Seeing that mullet on my head made me realize that I had let things go to far. I wasn't even with the girl anymore, I was just keeping it how I thought she liked it on the off chance that we got back together. Only in hindsight do I realize how stupid that was. When I had all of my hair shaved off on that day, it was such a freeing experience. I had never had that feeling before with my hair. It was like I was finally getting back to myself again. The next time I saw this girl, she even commented on how bummed she was that I cut my hair. I actually felt like it was an accomplishment when I heard her say that, like I had finally moved on from her.

Anyways, I have no idea how I managed to make this a relationship story but let me get back to my point. Last summer one of my friends got married and I had my hair cut extremely short. I did this because it was warm out and because I know my friends wife liked it better that way. I figured, it's her wedding day and I would give her what she wants. That was last July. Fast forward six months and I still have not gotten my hair cut again. I really don't have a reason to why I haven't, other than the fact that I haven't. I am thinking that I might try to go a year(though work may have something to say about that), but as of right now I do not know.

What I do know is that having all this hair this time around, is just as freeing as getting it all cut off a couple of summer's ago. I like it that I look like a goof ball in the morning and as stupid as this sounds, I like twirling it around when I am bored. It is the first time in my life that I have longer hair not for any particular reason, I just have it to have it. I guess the point of this entire thing is that doing stuff just to make someone else happy or to fit in, is a sure fire way to make yourself unhappy. Even something as pointless as the way you keep your hair. In closing I suppose all I am saying is that I love my hair, because even if it is messy and funny looking, at least it is mine.

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